First two 2024 Library scholarships awarded

January 30, 2024

The Heythrop Library has just announced the second of the 2024 Professor CSP Hunter scholarships

Applications are still open for four 'early-career' and four 'mid-career' scholarships, which give researchers full and free access to specialist collections of books and print journals -some of these publications are uniquely held in the UK. Recipients of these scholarships also have the opportunity to suggest not yet held books to the library, which might be vital to their research.

Clemens Gresser, Heythrop Librarian, explained:

"In the first year, we primarily had applications from theologians, however, the first two recipients in 2024 are philosophers! In its 400+ year history, the library has been providing books not only on theology, but also philosophy, to support the holistic formation of young Jesuits who study both subjects at degree level as part of their formation. With these scholarships, we are giving scholars the opportunity to delve into our current and historic collections. It will be interesting to see who else will join us in the coming months!"

For more details of how to apply for a scholarship, please click here.

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