Sunday Worship on the BBC

April 28, 2024

For the fifth Sunday of Easter, the BBC's Worship programme was recorded at the Jesuit Church of the Sacred Heart in Edinburgh, with Fr Adrian Porter SJ, and the Edinburgh University Chamber Choir (directed by Michael Bawtree). You can listen to the service in full on BBC Sounds by clicking here.

A podcast with Radio Maria England

June 5, 2023

Learn about the outreach work being done through Farm Street Parish.

Mental health support helps an ISIS survivor to embrace life again

May 19, 2023

Jesuit Missions UK has been providing support in Lebanon to help those suffering from trauma

Discerning leadership in Oxford

August 21, 2023

Five years ago Pope Francis invited Jesuits to share the gift of discernment with the Church

Solemn Celebration of St Ignatius of Loyola at Farm Street Church

July 26, 2024

This Solemn Mass is part of Farm Street Church’s Jubilee 175 celebrations.