An interview about refugees and social justice

June 15, 2022

"We are called to stand up for those who are being pushed around"

In a wide-ranging interview with Fr Dominic Robinson SJ, parish priest at Farm Street Church in Mayfair, we learn about the good work of the Diocese of Westminster Justice and Peace Commission and Jesuit Refugee Service UK.

The two operate independently of each other, but share a similar mission, articulated by Fr Dominic:

The migration issue is one of the really key issues of our time where we're called to stand up for those who are being pushed around, and very often the media doesn't recognise that, doesn't see that these are people who have been abused, they've been tortured, they're in fear of their lives."

The interview with Fr Dominic is titled: "Credo - Diocese of Westminster Justice and Peace Commission". You can listen to the interview in full on Radio Maria England here.

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

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