Bidding prayers at Canterbury Cathedral

July 31, 2023

Jesuit leadership, and the Jesuit Refugee Service, were both mentioned in the prayers of intercession at a sung eucharist at Canterbury Cathedral on Sunday 30th July. You can watch the clip here.

Speaking about the occasion, the global leader of the Jesuits, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, said:

"On behalf of my brothers in the Society of Jesus and myself, I write to thank the Dean and congregation of Canterbury Cathedral for their prayers last Sunday. As Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin set out in their 2016 declaration, Rome and Canterbury share a certain but imperfect communion. By praying for one another and working together, for instance by helping and accompanying refugees, we move towards that perfect communion which we all desire."

The cope of Henry VII travels to its final destination

May 29, 2023

This artefact is on loan from the Jesuits in Britain and can be viewed in a new exhibition

Homily for the Fourth Centenary of the British Province of Jesuits

January 21, 2023

This homily was given at Farm Street Church by Provincial Superior Fr Damian Howard SJ

A visit to Heythrop Library

August 3, 2023

Former staff and alumni of Heythrop College visited the new Heythrop Library

Fourth Centenary of the British Province Celebrated

January 24, 2023

Jesuits, friends, and well-wishers packed the church for the fourth centenary celebration.