Iñigo's Battle of the Spirits (a Jesuit comic)

June 24, 2021

How a soldier became a saint

We pick up the story in Manresa, near Barcelona, where Iñigo, having given up a life of high society and being a scoundrel, is now enthusiastically seeking to become a soldier for God. To that end, he embarks on a year of poverty and self analysis, in atonement for his past life.

This comic strip features in the latest edition of Jesuits & Friends which you can read online here.

A Symphony of Prayer

November 20, 2023

"Renewing our desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and to adore him"

The Summer 2024 issue of The Way is out now

July 8, 2024

This issue of our Ignatian journal explores the the body in spirituality.

We are putting pressure on HSBC to meet environmental targets

May 15, 2024

Operating as part of a campaign group, we attended the AGM to put the tough questions

Jesuit Refugee Service will participate in the London Legal Walk

March 13, 2024

Without secure immigration status, the refugees who are being supported face destitution.