Jesuits & Friends - Winter 2023

November 22, 2023


04 Meet our new provincial, Peter Gallagher SJ.

05 Kensy Joseph SJ is grateful for the fruits of July's province retreat.

06 World Youth Day and the Magis programme left a lasting impression on pilgrims Matthew O'Dowd and Allena Andress.

08 JRS UK's refugee friends have shared joyful experiences with their local community, as Mark Dunn tells us.

10 Paul Chitnis unveils Jesuit Missions' new look, and David Harold-Barry SJ reflects on what 'mission' means.

12 What is discernment of spirits all about? John Paul de Quay gives us a visual guide.

14 Patrick Kenny helps us get to know a World War I chaplain whose cause for canonisation opened last year: Fr Willie Doyle SJ.

16 Life at St Aloysius' College, Glasgow, is shaped by the retreat programme that Tony McBride describes.

17 Euan McArthur describes how the UK was encircled in a ring of prayer during a sailing voyage this spring.

18 A pilgrimage in honour of Bl. Edward Olcome SJ brought Frank Tota much encouragement; and Phil McCarthy points any would-be pilgrims in the right direction.

21 Postcard from Guyana; what did Rebecca Somerset uncover in Georgetown?

22 Praying with the pope: Eddy Bermingham SJ.

23 Obituaries.

You can read the online version of Jesuits & Friends here

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