New job opportunity - Integral Ecology & Responsible Investments Officer

November 10, 2023

This role will help build on the recently completed carbon baseline audit for the Jesuits in Britain, supporting communities and works to implement energy efficiency measures in our journey to net zero emissions. As part of the global Jesuit order and the Catholic Church in England and Wales, the post holder should liaise with, support and learn from other religious orders and dioceses in the Church of England and Wales, especially those belonging to the Ignatian family, and work in collaboration with the Conference of Religious. To find out more please download the job description below.

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

An update on the situation in Ukraine from those helping on the ground

May 13, 2022

An update on Ukraine from the Xavier Network (Jesuits working globally to promote justice)

Finding God at University

May 31, 2022

University can be a time of new experiences, but what about our faith and relationship with God?

The cope of Henry VII travels to its final destination

May 29, 2023

This artefact is on loan from the Jesuits in Britain and can be viewed in a new exhibition

The latest issue of 'The Way' is out!

April 4, 2024

In the latest issue of our online spirituality journal we pay tribute to Fr Philip Endean SJ.